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0% Complete (success) $0.0 raised for this month’s cause

In 2008,


children suffered from violent crimes.
Leave Out Violence fights this trend.

Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics

Watch the video

L.O.V.E is an international organization that works to reduce violence in the lives of children in local communities by building teams of youth who communicate a message of non-violence.

Funds donated support our youth.

L.O.V.E. is committed to using funds in such a way as to maximize the impact of their youth workshops, leadership camps and anti-bullying campaigns in schools. L.O.V.E. quite literally invests in our youth.

Learn more about the programs.

Twenty years in the making.

Leave Out Violence has been tackling the issues of youth violence since 1993. With partnerships all across Canada and some initiatives in the U.S. as well, LOVE is quickly becoming a behemoth force for social good in our communities.

Learn more about the history.

Hundreds of thousands.

LOVE’s youth-driven workshops, newspapers, books, exhibits, videos and public service announcements that promote non-violence have reached hundreds of thousands and now includes chapters on international shores. LOVE is a cure.

“We must become anchors in their lives - an unwavering source of hope, courage & passion.
We must move kids to become women and men of substance, of character.
This, is L.O.V.E."

The L.O.V.E Foundation is a Canadian registered charity. BN 838582005 RR0001. The L.O.V.E. foundation has an impeccable
history of ethical fund management & is overseen by a seasoned Board of Directors. Visit their website for further information.